Mysteries Of The Bible: Why Does God Love Those Who Are Despised?

Edge Induced Cohesion

Continuing in the series of mysteries of the Bible [1], I would like to examine one of the most striking aspects of God’s character as it relates to the Bible, and examine what it means for us in terms of application. God’s love for people, even people who are hostile to Him and enemies to Him, is nearly universally known and believed, whether someone is living a godly life or not. Regularly signs in sporting events will quote John 3:16, which, of course, reads: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Even the most unsophisticated among us when it comes to understanding theology has some intellectual understanding that God claims to be love and to have love for ordinary human beings like ourselves. We may not feel loved by God, but if…

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